Summer Graduate School Algorithmic Algebra and Geometry
Show Schedules
- Algorithms in Algebra and Geometry, part 11
- Algorithms in Algebra and Geometry, part 3
- Algorithms in Algebra and Geometry, part 4
- Algorithms in Algebra and Geometry, part 5
- Algorithms in Algebra and Geometry, part 6
- Algorithms in Algebra and Geometry, part 7
- Algorithms in Algebra and Geometry, part 8
- Algorithms in Algebra and Geometry, part 9
- Algorithms in Algebra and Geometry, part 10
- Algorithms in Algebra and Geometry, part 12
- Algorithms in Algebra and Geometry, part 13
- Algorithms in Algebra and Geometry, part 14
- Algorithms in Algebra and Geometry, part 15
- Algorithms in Algebra and Geometry, part 16
- Algorithms in Algebra and Geometry, part 17
- Algorithms in Algebra and Geometry, part 18
- Combinatorics and Homology of Graph Properties
- Cutting Corners
- Algorithms in Algebra and Geometry, part 2
- Algorithms in Algebra and Geometry, part 1
Workshop Conference in Low-Dimensional Topology - The KirbyFest
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- Foliated Teichmuller theory
- Are 3-manifolds transparent? Diamonds, glass and surgery
- Complexifying Diffeomorpism Groups of a Surface
- Filtering the knot concordance group by Whitney Towers
- Remarks on an old friend of Rob's: R4's from then 'til now
- The Geometry of the Seiberg-Witten Invariants
- Combinatorial topology and the continuum model of geometry
- Some curious symplectic and non-symplectic 4-manifolds
- Kirby and the promised land of topological manifolds: memories and memorable arguments
- Diffeomorphisms of 4-manifolds
- The Compression Theorem
- Problem Session
- Non-isotopic Heegaard Splittings of nonmimimal genus
- Holomorphic bundles over elliptic curves and families of del Pezzo surfaces
- Contractible open n-manifolds (n>4) are determined by their Z-boundaries
- Noncommutative Geometry
- Foliated surfaces and algorithms for unknots
- The knot complement theorem
- Applications of Kirby Calculus
- Emerging mathematical ideas in neurosurgery
- The stable cohomology of the mapping class group with arbitrary coefficients
- Some Ideas of Kirby's: in, around, and outside of mathematics
- That marvelous torus
- Symplectic and Lagrangian surfaces in 4-space
- The Orbifold Theorem
- Setting the Stage: Surgery in the Sixties
- Vassiliev invariants of knots and links: a survey
Workshop Model Theory, Algebra and Arithmetic
Show Schedules
- An Arithmetic Analogue of Differential Algebraic Geometry
- Around the first order theory of Frobenius
- On the integrally closed subrings of the field of algebraic numbers
- Primes and their residue fields in weak systems of arithmetic
- Groups in Simple Theories
- Fields with pseudo-exponentiation
- The pfaffian closure of an o-minimal structure
- Elementary theory of free groups II
- Elementary theory of free groups I
- Diophantine Consequences of Dichotomy Theorems in Differential and Difference Fields
- Logarithmic-exponential series: model theoretic aspects
- Recent developments in the relation between diophantine problems and Nevanlinna theory
- Complexity of Computations with Pfaffian and Noetherian Functions
- Bounds in Cohomology
- On the rationality of zeta functions
- Elimination of imaginaries in algebraically closed valued fields
- Effective bounds and the isotrivial case of Mordell-Lang
- Elementary equivalence and Isomorphism
- Points of small height on curves of genus g>1
- Expansions of algebraically closed field in o-minimal structures