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Tanya Tomkins, Cellist - One is One and All Alone: Solo Music by Bach January 18, 2007 All Day
Parent Program: --
Description You are warmly invited to attend MSRI's final concert in a series presenting One is One and All Alone, the solo music of J. S. Bach and Eric Zivian on Thursday, January 18, 2007 at 5:30 pm in the Institute's Simons Auditorium at Chern Hall. Suites for Solo Cello will be performed by Tanya Tomkins on Baroque cello. Composer-pianist Eric Zivian (see www.ziviantomkinsduo.org) will be present to talk to the audience about his cello composition based on the works of Bach. Free admission. The "Mathematics + Music" concert series will continue with more recitals on a theme to be announced (and dates TBA).

Parking: Please note that parking in the lot between MSRI and the Space Sciences Lab is available free starting at 5:00 PM on weekdays. The lot is reached from Centennial Drive by turning onto the "Gauss Way" access road that leads to MSRI / SSL. Disabled parking spaces are located at the entrance to MSRI's Chern Hall. Otherwise, parking in the Institute's terraced hillside lot (directly off Centennial Drive) requires walking up 95+ steps to the MSRI building.

FYI: On weekdays the H-line Bus -- with stops at Berkeley BART and on the UCB campus -- arrives at SSL/MSRI at 5:21 PM and departs from SSL/MSRI at 6:25 PM as well as 7:15 PM. For the complete schedule, please see:

For directions to MSRI, please see the URL below:


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