Home /  Bay Area Discrete Math Day (BADMath Day) October 21, 2006

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Bay Area Discrete Math Day (BADMath Day) October 21, 2006 October 21, 2006 All Day
Parent Program: --
Description BAD Math Days are one-day meetings aimed at facilitating communication between researchers and graduate students of discrete mathematics around the San Francisco Bay Area. These days happen twice a year and strive to create an informal atmosphere to talk about discrete mathematics. The term "discrete mathematics" is chosen to include at least the following topics: Algebraic and Enumerative Combinatorics, Discrete Geometry, Graph Theory, Coding and Design Theory, Combinatorial Aspects of Computational Algebra and Geometry, Combinatorial Optimization, Probabilistic Combinatorics, and Combinatorics in Mathematical Physics.

No registration fee will be charged; lunch will be provided on-site.There is no registration fee, but please register with the local organizer, Mike Develin (develin [at] math.berkeley.edu), on or before October 13th. In your RSVP, please include any dietary restrictions you may have, as well as whether or not you will be attending dinner afterwards.

For more information on BADMath days, please visit our webpage:
http://math.sfsu.edu/badmath. Hope to see you on the 21st!

The BADMAth Committee:
  • Federico Ardila, San Francisco State University
  • Ruchira Datta, Google
  • Mike Develin, UC-Berkeley and American Institute of Mathematics
  • Tim Hsu, San Jose State University
  • Nat Thiem, Stanford University
  • Monica Vazirani, University of California, Davis