Special Events
Parent Program: | -- |
Location: | Lawrence Hall of Science |
Mathematics educators: Grab a colleague, digital camera, and your competitive spirit! Join us for a FREE evening of challenges, clues, cheer, and camaraderie while exploring the Math Midway!
Team challenges will include: Using the "Organ Function Grinder", create a function whose output is -4 for your choice of input. Take a photo of your group producing a hexagonal cross-section of the cube in the "Ring of Fire". Record a video of one of your team members successfully navigating through the "A-maze-ing Math" and using the surveyors' wheels to find the shortest route for the "Traveling Carnival".
Dinner will be served.
To RSVP, please visit the event site.
To learn more about the exhibit go to: www.lawrencehallofscience.org
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