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Harmonic Series @ MSRI: martha & monica March 25, 2015 (05:15 PM PDT - 06:15 PM PDT)
Parent Program: --
Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium

martha & monica

Hadley McCarroll, piano; Monica Scott, cello





About martha & monica

Since 2006 the cello/piano duo martha & monica has consistently delighted Bay Area audiences with innovative programs and imaginative pairings of contemporary works and beloved masterpieces. The duo’s repertoire includes the great sonatas by Beethoven, Carter, and Debussy, significant twentieth-century works by Britten and Schnittke, to shorter works by Nadia Boulanger, Leoš Janáček, and transcriptions of vocal music – Poulenc, Wagner – as well as an ever-increasing body of newly commissioned works.

About Hadley McCarroll

Pianist Hadley McCarroll [martha] has been hailed for her "...lively and exhilarating..." pianism (San Francisco Classical Voice). She earned her Bachelor's and Master's degrees from the University of Texas at Austin, where she made her orchestral debut under Gunther Schuller, and coached chamber music with Isaac Stern, Martin Katz, Gerard Souzay, and Warren Jones. Since then she has worked in the United States and abroad with the Royal Danish Opera, Utah Festival Opera, Festival Opera, West Bay Opera, and the San Francisco Opera. She has had the pleasure of working with conductor Kent Nagano on numerous projects with the Berkeley Symphony Orchestra, including a West Coast premiere of Elliott Carterʼs What Next? Hadley is a founding member of the acclaimed vocal/instrumental trio Mirage Ensemble, with whom she presented concerts and chamber music and accompanying master classes at Northwestern University; she has taught at San Francisco Community Music Center since 1997. In 2003 she received a grant from the City of Oakland to perform concertos for piano and chamber wind ensemble at Mills College. She maintains a busy private piano and vocal coaching studio in Oakland.

About Monica Scott

Cellist Monica Scott [monica] has performed throughout the United States, in almost every European country, Argentina, Canada and South Korea, engaging audiences with her energetic, eloquent playing. After an artist residency at the Banff Centre (Canada) in 1994, Monica performed for four seasons with the Orquestra Metropolitana de Lisboa in Portugal, with whom she also appeared as concerto soloist. Since moving to the Bay Area in 1998, Monica has been actively promoting new music, as a member of the composer/improviser collective sfSoundGroup, and performing with Composers’ Inc., the Composers Alliance, and in numerous chamber music groups; she was the cellist of the award-winning San Francisco-based Del Sol String Quartet from 2001-2005. Monica is also a devoted teacher, serving on the faculties of the San Francisco Conservatory of Music Preparatory Department, The Crowden School, Berkeley and College Preparatory School, Oakland, and maintains an active private studio. She holds degrees from the Oberlin Conservatory of Music and the Sweelinck Conservatorium Amsterdam.

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