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2014 CME Group - MSRI Prize January 01, 2015 All Day
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  2014 CME Group-MSRI Prize announced!

The 9th annual CME Group-MSRI Prize in Innovative Quantitative Applications was awarded to JOSÉ A. SCHEINKMAN, the Edwin W. Rickert Professor of Economics at Columbia University, Theodore A. Wells ‘29 Professor of Economics (emeritus) at Princeton University and a Research Associate at the NBER at a luncheon in Chicago on February 9. 




Prior to the lunch and award presentation, a panel discussion on "Bubbles in the market: Why do they form, when do they pop?" was held with Gadi Barlevy (Senior Economist and Research Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago), Lars Hansen (David Rockefeller Distinguished Service Professor in Economics, Statistics & the College, University of Chicago), Harrison Hong (John Scully 1966 Professor of Economics and Finance, Department of Economics, Princeton University), Leonid Kogan (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Professor of Management at the MIT Sloan School of Management), Pietro Veronesi (Roman Family Professor of Finance, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago), and Wei Xiong (Hugh Leander and Mary Trumbull Adams Professor in Finance and Professor of Economics, Department of Economics and Bendheim Center for Finance, Princeton University).  The panel will be moderated by David Eisenbud (Director, MSRI and Professor of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley)

The annual CME Group-MSRI Prize is awarded to an individual or a group, to recognize originality and innovation in the use of mathematical, statistical or computational methods for the study of the behavior of markets, and more broadly of economics.


Previous recipients of the CME Group-MSRI Prize and Medal:

2013: Bengt Holmstrom, the Paul A. Samuelson Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2012: Robert Shiller, Sterling Professor of Economics, Department of Economics and Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University, and Professor of Finance and Fellow at the International Center for Finance, Yale School of Management

2011: Thomas Sargent, Professor of Economics, New York University, Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford, California

2010: Jean Tirole, Scientific Director of Industrial Economics Institute (IDEI) and Member of the Toulouse School of Economics

2009: Sanford J. Grossman, Chairman and CEO, Quantitative Financial Strategies, Inc.

2008: Lars Peter Hansen, Homer J. Livingston Distinguished Service Professor in the Departments of Economics and Statistics at the University of Chicago

2007: David M. Kreps, Adams Distinguished Professor of Management, Stanford Graduate School of Business

2006: Stephen A. Ross, Franco Modigliani Professor of Financial Economics, MIT Sloan School of Management

2014 CME Group-MSRI Prize Selection Committee:

David Eisenbud, prize committee chair, Director, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute

John P. Gould, Steven G. Rothmeier Professor and Distinguished Service Professor of Economics, Unversity of Chicago Booth School of Business

Bengt Holmstrom, the Paul A. Samuelson Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and 2013 recipient of the CME-MSRI Prize

Leo Melamed, Chairman Emeritus, CME Group

Robert Merton, School of Management Distinguished Professor of Finance at the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Thomas Sargent, William R. Berkley Professor of Economics and Business, Department of Economics and the Stern School of Business, New York University, and the Donald L. Lucas Professor in Economics, Emeritus, at Stanford University, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, and 2011 recipient of the CME-MSRI Prize

Myron Scholes, Frank E. Buck Professor of Finance, Emeritus, Stanford Graduate School of Business

Jean Tirole, Scientific Director of Industrial Economics Institute (IDEI) and Member of the Toulouse School of Economics and 2010 recipient of the CME-MSRI Prize



Medal awarded to the winner of the CME Group-MSRI Prize

For more information about the CME Group's Center for Innovation, please visit: CFI

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