Home /  MSRI Holiday Potluck Party

Special Events

MSRI Holiday Potluck Party December 14, 2015 (05:00 PM PST - 07:00 PM PST)
Parent Program: --
Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium
Dear Members and Staff,
The holiday season is upon us, and we want everyone to start planning for the MSRI Holiday Potluck Party.  This year, it will be on Monday, December 14, 5:00-7:00PM, in the atrium.  We encourage you to bring your family or a guest---the more the merrier!
For those of you who do not know, a 'potluck' party is one in which the food is provided by YOU.  You prepare a dish, such as a salad, a main dish, or a dessert, bringing enough for yourself, your family/guests, and 4 more.  This way, everyone can have a little of each dish.  MSRI will provide beverages suitable for the season.
There will be a sign up sheet on the table outside of Chris Marshall's office.   Please be sure to sign up so that we have a correct count.
If you play an instrument or sing and have music suitable for the season and would like to perform for us, please let Chris know.
We'll plan to begin the set-up at 4:30 PM and, after a (very) brief welcome, commence our dining activities at 5, after we've all had a chance to survey the opportunities.
We hope to see you there!
                David Eisenbud & Hélène Barcelo
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