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Special Events

Celebration of Women in Mathematics May 13, 2019 (03:00 PM PDT - 07:15 PM PDT)
RSVP Deadline: May 13, 2019 over 5 years ago
Parent Program: --
Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Commons Room, Atrium

The Celebration of Women in Mathematics on May 12 is part of a new international initiative to inspire women everywhere to celebrate their achievements in mathematics, and to encourage an open, welcoming, and inclusive work environment for everybody. May 12 was chosen for this annual event, as it is the birthdate of Maryam Mirzakhani

On May 13th, MSRI invites all women mathematicians in the Bay Area to gather in community. We will have the opportunity to learn about Maryam's work, preview a film about her life, discuss topics of common interest, and connect with each other in celebration. 


3:00pm  Coffee

3:30pm Introductions 

3:45pm Presentation of Maryam Mirzakhani's work by Sarah Koch

4:45pm Group discussions 

5:45pm Plenary summary of group discussions 

6:00pm Preview of film about Maryam Mirzakhani

6:15pm Mix and mingle with wine and snacks

7:15pm Last hill bus to Mining Circle and Bart

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