Home /  [CANCELLED] 2022 Joint Math Meetings: Mathematical Sciences Institutes Open House

This event has been cancelled.

Math Institutes Open House

CANCELLED [CANCELLED] 2022 Joint Math Meetings: Mathematical Sciences Institutes Open House January 06, 2022 (06:00 PM PST - 08:30 PM PST)
Parent Program: --
Location: Sheraton Grand Seattle, Grand Ballroom C &D (2nd Floor)

JMM 2022 Is Postponed

Due to serious concerns regarding the Omicron variant of COVID-19, the organizing partners of the Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM) have decided to postpone the 2022 JMM, originally scheduled to be held in Seattle, January 5-8. We will plan a virtual JMM for later in 2022. For a meeting of this scale, logistics cannot be arranged in time to hold all sessions virtually on the originally scheduled dates.

All program participants and groups will be contacted in the near future regarding rescheduling. In addition, all registration fees will be 100% refunded. Everyone who registered will be notified by the AMS Meetings Department when their refunds are processed. Meeting organizers are also working to reschedule time-sensitive components of the JMM, such as the Employment Center, to the more-immediate future. Further details will be made available as soon as they are available.

The JMM organizing partners thank all participants, presenters, exhibitors, and staff for your flexibility and patience. We extend our best wishes to everyone for your health and well-being. Please email meet@ams.org with any questions you have.

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