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Committee Selection with Approval Voting and Hypercubes

MSRI-UP 2015: Geometric Combinatorics Motivated by the Social Sciences June 13, 2015 - July 26, 2015

July 24, 2015 (01:15 PM PDT - 02:00 PM PDT)
Speaker(s): Caleb Bugg (Morehouse College), Gabriel Elvin (University of California, Los Angeles)
Location: SLMath: Baker Board Room

Bugg, Elvin


In this paper we will examine elections of the following form: a committee of size k is to be electedwith two candidates running for each position. Each voter submits a ballot with his or her ideal committee, which generates their approval set. The approval sets of voters consist of committees that are “close” to their ideal preference. We define this notion of closeness with Hamming distance in a hypercube: the number of candidates by which a particular committee di

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Bugg, Elvin

H.264 Video Team_4.mp4 104 MB video/mp4 rtsp://videos.msri.org/data/000/023/918/original/Team_4.mp4 Download
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