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Clay Mathematics Institute 2005 Summer School Ricci Flow, 3 Manifolds And Geometry June 20, 2005 to July 15, 2005
Organizers Gang Tian, John Lott, John Morgan, Bennett Chow, Tobias Colding, Jim Carlson, David Ellwood, Hugo Rossi
Overview The Clay Mathematics Institute will hold its 2005 summer school at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) in Berkeley, California. Designed for graduate students and mathematicians within five years of their Ph.D., the program is organized around Ricci Flow and the Geometrization of 3–manifolds, particularly, the recent work of Perelman. The school will consist of three weeks of foundational courses and one week of mini-courses focusing on more advanced topics and applications. Perelman's work builds on earlier work of Thurston and Hamilton in a deep and original way. The aim of the school is to provide a comprehensive introduction to these exciting areas as well as the recent developments due to Perelman. Topics covered will include an introduction to Geometrization (3–dimensional geometries, prime decomposition of 3–manifolds, incompressible tori, Thurston's geometrization conjecture on 3–manifolds), Ricci Flow (both geometric and analytic aspects), Minimal Surfaces and various fundamental results in topology and differential geometry used in the work of Perelman. We will also have a course dedicated to Perelman's work on general Ricci Flow (Entropy functional of Perelman and its local form, Non-collapsing theorem, Perelman's reduced volume and applications), as well as a course that outlines some more advanced results and applications in 3–dimensions (analysis of large curvature part of Ricci flow solutions, Ricci flow with surgery, basic properties of solutions with surgery, long time behavior of solutions, applications to geometrization). Application Information Applicants who are nominees of academic sponsors of MSRI will be funded by MSRI for the course given in first three weeks, subject to acceptance by the CMI selection committee. Thus, nominee applicants must send their completed application form and required documents to CMI by February 28, 2005. The application form, can be found at the CMI web page . Applications will be accepted by mail or fax. Mailing address: Clay Mathematics Institute, One Bow Street, 4th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA, Fax: 617-995-2660
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
  • Summer Graduate School

Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC
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