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New Challenges in PDE: Deterministic Dynamics and Randomness in High and Infinite Dimensional Systems August 17, 2015 to December 18, 2015
Organizers Kay Kirkpatrick (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Yvan Martel (École Polytechnique), Jonathan Mattingly (Duke University), Andrea Nahmod (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), Pierre Raphael (Université Nice Sophia-Antipolis), Luc Rey-Bellet (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), LEAD Gigliola Staffilani (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Daniel Tataru (University of California, Berkeley)
The fundamental aim of this program is to bring together a core group of mathematicians from the general communities of nonlinear dispersive and stochastic partial differential equations whose research contains an underlying and unifying problem: quantitatively analyzing the dynamics of solutions arising from the flows generated by deterministic and non-deterministic evolution differential equations, or dynamical evolution of large physical systems, and in various regimes.  In recent years there has been spectacular progress within both communities in the understanding of this common problem. The main efforts exercised, so far mostly in parallel, have generated an incredible number of deep results, that are not just beautiful mathematically, but are  also important to understand the complex natural phenomena around us.  Yet, many open questions and challenges remain ahead of us. Hosting the proposed program at MSRI would be the most effective venue to explore the specific questions at the core of the unifying theme and to have a focused and open exchange of ideas, connections and mathematical tools leading to potential new paradigms.  This special program will undoubtedly produce new and fundamental results in both areas, and possibly be the start of a new generation of researchers comfortable on both languages. Bibliography (PDF)
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC
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Programmatic Workshops
August 19, 2015 - August 21, 2015 Connections for Women: Dispersive and Stochastic PDE
August 24, 2015 - August 28, 2015 Introductory Workshop: Randomness and long time dynamics in nonlinear evolution differential equations
October 19, 2015 - October 30, 2015 New challenges in PDE: Deterministic dynamics and randomness in high and infinite dimensional systems