The field of Geoemtric Measure Theory (GMT)has become vast and many gaps between disparate areas have emerged. This thematic semester will bring together researchers from every corner of the field, to kick-start new interactions and discoveries. In light of the many exciting advancements and potential for future breakthroughs, this as a crucial moment to bring old and new members of the GMT community together. The program will encourage interactions between established experts, emerging researchers and students, allowing for the sharing of key idea that brought to the recent developments and helping to shape a research agenda for the future.
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
geometric measure theory
minimal surfaces
critical points
geometric analysis
Geometric Variational Problems
harmonic measure
mean curvature flow
Quantitative Inequalities
Ricci flow
Harmonic Analysis.
49Q05 - Minimal surfaces and optimization [See also 53A10, 58E12]
28A75 - Length, area, volume, other geometric measure theory [See also 26B15, 49Q15]