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Random Matrix Models and Their Applications January 19, 1999 to June 11, 1999
Organizers Pavel Bleher (co-Chair), Alan Edelman, Alexander Its (co-Chair), Craig Tracy and Harold Widom
The purpose of this half year program is to discuss and, thereby, to foster the development of challenging new problems and ideas which have recently arisen in the theory of random matrices. The main topics of the program will be: random matrices and completely integrable systems of both the Painlevé and the KP types along with the Riemann-Hilbert and the Virasoro algebra approaches, the relation to algebraic geometry and to topological field theories, the universalities in matrix models, quantum chaos and the GUE conjectures for zeros of zeta functions the relation to exactly solvable statistical mechanics models and to quantum affine algebras,applications to mesoscopic systems andnumerical aspects of the theory.The program committee consists of Pavel Bleher (co-Chair), Alan Edelman, Alexander Its (co-Chair), Craig Tracy and Harold Widom. Suggested reading list
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC
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Programmatic Workshops
January 19, 1999 - January 23, 1999 Introductory Workshop: Random Matrix Models and their Applications
February 22, 1999 - February 26, 1999 Random Matrices, Statistical Mechanics, and Integrable Systems
June 07, 1999 - June 11, 1999 Quantum Chaos, GUE Conjecture for Zeros of Zeta Functions, Combinatorics, and All That