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Semi-Classical Analysis January 02, 2003 to May 16, 2003
Organizers Robert Littlejohn, William H. Miller, Johannes Sjorstrand, Steven Zelditch, and Maciej Zworski
Semi-classical analysis studies the transition between quantum and classical mechanics. It has been a central topic in science since the 1920's and it still generates a lot of questions of both fundamental and technical nature. The development of mesoscopic systems in experimental physics and material science (that is of systems on scales at which the quantum and classical effects are both present) and the development of the theory of quantum chaos in theoretical physics and pure mathematics, give the subject a new impetus. It is of great interest in physical chemistry where the reactions are mostly understood semi-classically. One of the open issues there is the understanding of large molecules which at the moment are predominantly studied using purely classical models. The hard-to-understand quantum effects must, however, be present , and presumably, are essential.The traditional mathematical study of semi-classical analysis has developed tremendously in the last thirty years following the introduction of microlocal analysis, that is local analysis in phase space, simultaneously in the space and Fourier transform variables. The purpose of this program is to bring together experts in traditional mathematical semi-classical analysis, in the new mathematics of "quantum chaos," and in physics and theoretical chemistry.There will be two workshops with different foci: the first oriented towards physics and chemistry, and the second towards mathematics. During the first workshop, we will organize less technical mathematical talks surveying progress and point of view of mathematical semi-classics. The physics/chemistry talks should be of interest to mathematicians who want to get informed of the current state of "applied" semi-classics. The mathematics workshop will have the more usual math conference style but there will be more mathematically oriented physicists/chemists participating as well.
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC
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Programmatic Workshops
April 07, 2003 - April 11, 2003 Semi-classical Methods in Physics and Chemistry
May 05, 2003 - May 09, 2003 Mathematical Semi-Classical Analysis