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Resistor Networks and Optimal Grids for Electrical Impedance Tomography with Partial Boundary Measurements September 21, 2010
Parent Program: --
Location: SLMath: Baker Board Room
Speaker(s) Alexander Mamonov
Description No Description
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC
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The problem of Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) with partial boundary measurements is to determine the electric conductivity inside a body from the simultaneous measurements of direct currents and voltages on a subset of its boundary. Even in the case of full boundary measurements the non-linear inverse problem is known to be exponentially ill-conditioned. Thus, any numerical method of solving the EIT problem must employ some form of regularization. We propose to regularize the problem by using sparse representations of the unknown conductivity on adaptive finite volume grids known as the optimal grids. Then the discretized partial data EIT problem can be reduced to solving the discrete inverse problems for resistor networks. Two distinct approaches implementing this strategy are presented.
The first approach uses the results for the EIT problem with full boundary measurements, which rely on the use of resistor networks with circular graph topology. The optimal grids for such networks are essentially one dimensional objects, which can be computed explicitly. We solve the partial data problem by reducing it to the full data case using the theory of extremal quasiconformal (Teichmuller) mappings.
The second approach is based on resistor networks with the pyramidal graph topology. Such network topology is better suited for the partial data problem, since it allows for explicit treatment of the inaccessible part of the boundary. We present a method of computing the optimal grids for the networks with general topology (including pyramidal), which is based on the sensitivity analysis of both the continuum and the discrete EIT problems.
We present extensive numerical results for the two approaches. We demonstrate both the optimal grids and the reconstructions of smooth and discontinuous conductivities in a variety of domains. The numerical results show two main advantages of our approaches compared to the traditional optimization-based methods. First, the inversion based on resistor networks is orders of magnitude faster than any iterative algorithm. Second, our approaches are able to correctly reconstruct the conductivities of very high contrast, which usually present a challenge to the iterative or linearization-based inversion methods.

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