Home /  MSRI/Evans Lecture: Inverse mean curvature flow, black holes and quasi-local mass


MSRI/Evans Lecture: Inverse mean curvature flow, black holes and quasi-local mass November 25, 2013 (04:10 PM PST - 05:00 PM PST)
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Location: UC Berkeley, 60 Evans Hall
Speaker(s) Kristen Moore (Telstra)
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Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC
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Inverse mean curvature flow is a parabolic geometric evolution equation that expands a hypersurface at a rate given by the reciprocal of the mean curvature. In recent years it has proven to be an effective tool in the study problems in general relativity. In this talk I will discuss the role of inverse mean curvature flow in the study of black hole horizons and quasi-local concepts of mass and energy, and outline it's connection to the Penrose Conjecture.

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