Home /  NGM Pizza Seminar: Control theorems for overconvergent automorphic forms


NGM Pizza Seminar: Control theorems for overconvergent automorphic forms October 31, 2014 (11:00 AM PDT - 11:45 AM PDT)
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Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium
Speaker(s) Christian Johansson (Chalmers University of Technology/University of Göteborg)
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Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC
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A theorem of Coleman asserts that if f is an overconvergent U_p-eigenform of weight k>1 such that the valuation of its U_p-eigenvalue is <k-1, then f is classical modular form. In this talk I will discuss variations of Coleman's proof of this theorem, with an eye towards ideas that generalize to higher-dimensional Shimura varieties. Part of this is joint work with Vincent Pilloni.

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