Home /  ADJOINT Research Seminar: Post-Lockdown Dynamics of COVID-19 in several key regions of the US


ADJOINT Research Seminar: Post-Lockdown Dynamics of COVID-19 in several key regions of the US December 09, 2020 (03:00 PM PST - 05:00 PM PST)
Parent Program: --
Location: SLMath: Online/Virtual
Speaker(s) Sherry Scott (fomerly MSOE)

In the context of several key states in the U.S.A, we will review the basics of COVID-19 and consider the post-lockdown dynamics.  In particular we will discuss the main drivers of the disease and the drawbacks to a natural herd immunity strategy. This talk represents joint work with Kamal Barley, Keisha Cook and Abba Gumel.

Eastern Time
6:00--6:30pm Social Time
6:30--7:00 Lecture Time
7:00--7:15 Q&A Time

Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC

Post-Lockdown Dynamics Of COVID-19 In Several Key Regions Of The US

Abstract/Media No Abstract No Notes/Supplements Uploaded

Post-Lockdown Dynamics Of COVID-19 In Several Key Regions Of The US

H.264 Video 25508_29066_8680_Post-Lockdown_Dynamics_of_COVID-19_in_Several_Key_Regions_of_the_US.mp4