Home /  FD2 Reunion Seminar: Solitary Waves for Infinite Depth Gravity Water Waves with Constant Vorticity


FD2 Reunion Seminar: Solitary Waves for Infinite Depth Gravity Water Waves with Constant Vorticity August 01, 2023 (11:00 AM PDT - 12:00 PM PDT)
Parent Program:
Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual
Speaker(s) James Rowan (University of North Carolina)
Description No Description
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC
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We show that solitary waves exist for pure gravity water waves in infinite depth in the presence of constant (nonzero) vorticity. The proof relies on the fact that this particular water-wave system is well-approximated by the Benjamin-Ono equation, which also allows us to give an asymptotic expansion of the solitary wave profile in terms of the Benjamin-Ono soliton. We also briefly discuss the range of possible solitary wave speeds.  This is joint work with Lizhe Wan.

Meeting ID: 998 5718 9855

Passcode: 983468

Link: https://msri.zoom.us/j/99857189855?pwd=LzRFR2tPN1cydWJNZEZkclZGV2lpQT09

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