Home /  FD2 Reunion Seminar: In Search of Euler Equilibria via the MR Equations


FD2 Reunion Seminar: In Search of Euler Equilibria via the MR Equations August 01, 2023 (02:00 PM PDT - 03:00 PM PDT)
Parent Program:
Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual
Speaker(s) Susan Friedlander (University of Southern California)
Description No Description
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC

The subject of “ geometric “ fluid dynamics flourished following the seminal work of V.I. Arnold in the 1960s.  A famous  paper was published in 1970 by David Ebin and Jerrold  Marsden who used the manifold structure of certain groups of diffeomorphisms to obtain sharp existence and uniqueness results for the classical equations of fluid dynamics. Of particular importance are the fixed points of the underlying dynamical system and the “accessibility” of these Euler equilibria. In 1985 Keith Moffatt introduced a mechanism for reaching these equilibria not through the Euler vortex dynamics itself but via a topology preserving diffusion process called “Magnetic Relaxation”. In this talk we will discuss some recent results for Moffatt’s MR equations which are mathematically challenging not only because they are active vector equations but also because they have a cubic nonlinearity.

This is joint work with Rajendra Beckie, Adam Larios and Vlad Vicol.

Meeting ID: 998 5718 9855

Passcode: 983468

Link: https://msri.zoom.us/j/99857189855?pwd=LzRFR2tPN1cydWJNZEZkclZGV2lpQT09

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FD2 Reunion Seminar: In Search Of Euler Equilibria Via The MR Equations