Home /  FD2 Reunion Seminar: Gravitational Collapse of Gaseous Stars


FD2 Reunion Seminar: Gravitational Collapse of Gaseous Stars August 08, 2023 (01:00 PM PDT - 02:00 PM PDT)
Parent Program:
Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual
Speaker(s) Juhi Jang (University of Southern California)
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Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC
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In astrophysical fluid dynamics, stars are considered as isolated fluid masses subject to self-gravity. A classical model of a self-gravitating Newtonian star is given by the gravitational Euler-Poisson system, while a relativistic star is modeled by the Einstein-Euler system. I will review some recent progress on the local and global dynamics of Newtonian stars, and discuss mathematical constructions of gravitational collapse that show the existence of smooth initial data leading to finite time collapse, characterized by the blow-up of the star density. For Newtonian stars, dust-like collapse and self-similar collapse will be presented, and the relativistic analogue and formation of naked singularities for the Einstein-Euler system will be discussed.

Meeting ID: 998 5718 9855

Passcode: 983468

Link: https://msri.zoom.us/j/99857189855?pwd=LzRFR2tPN1cydWJNZEZkclZGV2lpQT09

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