Home /  Commutative Algebra + Algebraic Geometry Seminar: "Doctrine-specific ur-algorithms" & "Module schemes in invariant theory"


Commutative Algebra + Algebraic Geometry Seminar: "Doctrine-specific ur-algorithms" & "Module schemes in invariant theory" March 26, 2024 (04:00 PM PDT - 06:00 PM PDT)
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Location: UCB, Evans Hall, Rm 748
Speaker(s) Mohamed Barakat (University of California, Berkeley), Holger Brenner (Universität Osnabrück)
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Mohamed Barakat: "Doctrine-specific ur-algorithms"

Abstract: Various constructions of categories have a universal property expressing the freeness/initiality of the construction within a specific categorical doctrine. Expressed in an algorithmic framework, it turns out that this universal property is in a certain sense a doctrine-specific “ur-algorithm” from which various known categorical constructions/algorithms (including spectral sequences of bicomplexes) can be derived in a purely computational way. This can be viewed as a categorical version of the Curry-Howard correspondence to extract programs from proofs.

Holger Brenner: "Module schemes in invariant theory"

Abstract: Let G be a finite group acting linearly on the polynomial ring with invariant ring R. If the action is small, then a classical result of Auslander gives in dimension two a correspondence between linear representations of G and maximal Cohen-Macaulay R-modules. We establish a correspondence  for all linear actions, in particular for actions of a group generated by reflections, between representations and objects over the invariant ring by looking at quotient module schemes (up to modification) instead of the modules of covariants.

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