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Location: | SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual |
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification
No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification
No Secondary AMS MSC
The close link between permanental ideals and complexity theory has drawn some recent attention to these ideals. I will discuss how to describe the minimal free resolution for the 2X2 permanents of a generic 2Xn matrix. In contrast to the case of determinants, the 2X2 permanents define an ideal I which is neither prime nor Cohen-Macaulay. The starting point combines works of Laubenbacher-Swanson on the Groebner basis of an ideal of 2X2 permanents of a generic matrix with the previous work connecting the initial ideal of 2X2 permanents to a simplicial complex. The main technical tool is a spectral sequence arising from Koszul cohomology.
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