Home /  NAG Donaldson-Thomas Theory Seminar: "The Oh-Thomas virtual cycle in DT4 theory"


NAG Donaldson-Thomas Theory Seminar: "The Oh-Thomas virtual cycle in DT4 theory" February 20, 2024 (03:30 PM PST - 04:30 PM PST)
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Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual
Speaker(s) Nikolas Kuhn (Stanford University)
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DT4 theory is the enumerative study of moduli spaces of sheaves on Calabi-Yau four-folds. The fundamental object of interest is the virtual cycle, a certain homology class living on these moduli spaces. Originally constructed by Borisov-Joyce, a more accessible construction has been given by Oh-Thomas which has sparked much recent activity in CY4 sheaf-counting. In this talk, I will discuss their approach, focusing on the main ideas. I will start by reviewing Behrend-Fantechi's construction of the virtual class for perfect obstruction theory, introduce the square root Euler class of a quadratic bundle, and then explain how these techniques come together in the Oh-Thomas construction. 

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