Summer Graduate School
Parent Program: | -- |
Location: | at the University of Washington, Seattle |
The goal is to give the students exposure to different parts of the field, so they will be better prepared for the plenary lectures and a selection of the other invited talks. It will also give graduate students an opportunity to meet senior researchers in a more relaxed setting, and to begin to establish working relationships with their fellow graduate students --- their future colleagues. Finally, it will help widen their horizons, by exposing them to ideas and problems
from other parts of the field, far from their particular research area. There will be ample time for and emphasis on small group discussions and networking. The week will be loosely modeled on a successful week run by Herb Clemens, David Cox, Sheldon Katz, and Dave Morrison before the 1995 Santa Cruz conference. Protocol for participating (and source of more information). Nominees from MSRI Academic sponsors must fill out the application form at this website, and answer “yes� to the question, “Home department will
possibly offer partial support�.
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification
No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification
No Secondary AMS MSC