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Summer Graduate School

SL(2,R), a Minicourse at the University of Utah May 21, 2006 - June 02, 2006
Parent Program: --
Location: at the University of Utah
Organizers Bill Casselman (University of British Columbia), Dragan Milicic (University of Utah), Peter Trapa (University of Utah)
Description The two-week minicourse will be aimed at beginning graduate students. It will be devoted to all aspects of the theory of SL(2,R) including: discrete and principal series, intertwining operators, unitary representations, character theory, \n-homology, matrix ceofficients, D-modules, Bruhat filtrations, orbital integrals, L-groups (and modern variants), and L-parameters. The focus throughout will be on motivation from the theory of automorphic forms. Lectures will be delivered by the three organizers:
  • Bill Casselman (British Columbia)
  • Dragan Milicic (Utah)
  • Peter Trapa (Utah)
In addition, a set of "prenotes" will be distributed to all participants in advance of the minicourse. The minicourse will be followed by an AMS Summer Research Conference at Snowbird. Prospective participants must apply online at the website http://www.math.utah.edu/vigre/minicourses/sl2/. MSRI will provide funding for several students from MSRI Academic Sponsoring Institutions who are selected through the application process as participants.
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)