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Summer Graduate School

Computational Theory of Real Reductive Groups (Salt lake City) July 20, 2009 - July 24, 2009
Registration Deadline: March 01, 2009 almost 16 years ago
To apply for Funding you must register by: March 01, 2009 almost 16 years ago
Parent Program: --
Location: Salt Lake City -- University of Utah
Organizers Jeffrey Adams (University of Maryland) , Peter Trapa* (University of Utah), Susana Salamanca (New Mexico State University), John Stembridge (University of Michigan), and David Vogan (MIT).
Description The structure of real reductive algebraic groups is controlled by a remarkably simple combinatorial framework, generalizing the presentation of Coxeter groups by generators and relations. This framework in turn makes much of the infinite-dimensional representation theory of such groups amenable to computation. The Atlas of Lie Groups and Representations project is devoted to looking at representation theory from this computationally informed perspective. The group (particularly Fokko du Cloux and Marc van Leeuwen) has written computer software aimed at supporting research in the field, and at helping those who want to learn the subject. The workshop will explore this point of view in lecture series aimed especially at graduate students and postdocs with only a modest background (such as the representation theory of compact Lie groups). Topics include:
  • background on infinite dimensional representations of real reductive groups;
  • geometry of orbits of symmetric subgroups on the flag variety;
  • Kazhdan-Lusztig theory;
  • approaches to the classification of unitary representations;
  • geometry of the nilpotent cone.
The workshop will be followed by a conference entitled Representation Theory of Real Reductive Groups. The workshop is funded in part by Utah's VIGRE, MSRI and an NSF grant DMS-0554278. Deadline for funding applications: 1 March, 2009. The official workshop website is at: http://www.liegroups.org/workshop/
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC