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Lecture: The transition to life as a faculty member: jobs, associations, and professional development

Gaps between Primes and Analytic Number Theory July 13, 2015 - July 24, 2015

July 20, 2015 (02:00 PM PDT - 03:00 PM PDT)
Speaker(s): Francis Su (Harvey Mudd College)
Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium
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How do I land a tenure-track job? What resources exist for me as I transition to life as a faculty member? What role will professional societies play in my career? What will be expected of me as a faculty member? Join an informal conversation with Francis Su, President of the Mathematical Association of America, about how to make that transition to a tenure-track job successfully.  Bring questions; there'll be plenty of time for Q&A.

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