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Excursion (Tour conductor: Ken-ichi Yoshida)

Commutative Algebra and Related Topics May 22, 2017 - June 02, 2017

May 27, 2017 (09:30 AM PDT - 05:45 PM PDT)
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Nakijin Castle, or Nakijin Gusuku (Ryukyuan castle or fortress) is located in Nakijin Village,
Okinawa, Japan. It was the residence of the Ryukyuan Kingdom governor and is currently in ruins.
Work began on its construction in the late 13th century and it had reached its nal form by
the beginning of the 15th century. The castle is strategically sited on a lone hill, well defended
by natural features (river, cliffs and deep valley). The fortress includes several sacred Utaki groves,
ecting the gusuku's role as a center of religious activity. It is famous for the Hikan cherries
which bloom in northern Okinawa between mid-January and early February.

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