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Building Capacity for Change

Critical Issues in Mathematics Education 2024: Bringing Innovation to Scale: Teaching-Focused Faculty as Change Agents April 03, 2024 - April 05, 2024

April 05, 2024 (09:30 AM PDT - 10:30 AM PDT)
Speaker(s): Brian Sato (University of California, Irvine)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC

Building Capacity for Change


UC Professors of Teaching: Lessons Learned from a Unique Teaching-Focused Faculty Model

The University of California (UC) is home to a tenure-track, teaching-focused faculty position, the Professor of Teaching (PoT). PoTs spend a majority of their time on classroom instruction but are also expected to participate in scholarly activities and have service responsibilities, similar to their research-focused peers. Making up roughly 10% of the tenure-track faculty across the UC system, PoTs have the potential to serve as change agents to improve undergraduate education. Our research has found that PoTs are more likely to implement evidence-based teaching practices relative to their research counterparts, serve as key departmental resources in teaching-related matters, and are active discipline-based education researchers. But barriers to their success exist, including institutional structures that can contribute to a lack of departmental integration. This talk will highlight a UC-wide PoT group, the UC STEM Tenure-Track Teaching Professor Network, which aims to facilitate PoT professional development, and ultimately improve student success across the UC system.

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Building Capacity for Change

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