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A Lifetime of Diversity: Challenges, Successes, and Rewards September 22, 2009 (12:00 PM PDT - 01:00 PM PDT)
Parent Program: --
Location: The Faculty Club, UC Berkeley
  In this motivational talk the speaker will describe formative interesting experiences, challenges and successes encountered along his life’sjourney from a childhood in the barrios of Los Angeles to a University Mathematics Professor, a President Clinton appointee to theNational Science Board, and the first domestic born Latino elected to the prestigious National Academy of Engineering. A first-generationMexican-American and a product of public education, Los Angeles City Schools and UCLA, the speaker’s path reinforces the view thatmany paths lead to the same place. Discussion points will include- Should race and ethnicity play a role in academic science, engineering ,and mathematics? As underrepresented minorities are we round pegs in square holes; how much do we have to change to be academicallysuccessful? What are the extra dimensions that we bring to the table; are they embraced, appreciated, rewarded?


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