Home /  HC & QS - Graduate Student Seminar: There are 3 kinds of symmetric monoidal $\infty$-category with duals and finite colimits & Manifold tensor categories


HC & QS - Graduate Student Seminar: There are 3 kinds of symmetric monoidal $\infty$-category with duals and finite colimits & Manifold tensor categories March 12, 2020 (12:30 PM PDT - 01:30 PM PDT)
Parent Program:
Location: SLMath: Baker Board Room
Speaker(s) Timothy Campion (University of Notre Dame), Christoph Weis (University of Oxford)
Description No Description
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC




This will be livestreamed.  Join here: https://msri.zoom.us/j/627176824 

(Tim Campion)

We will sketch a proof via string diagrams of the following fact:

Theorem: Let $C$ be a symmetric monoidal $\infty$-category with duals and finite colimits. Then $C$ splits as the product of 3 subcategories

$C = C_{ad} \times C_{st} \times C_{\neg ad}$


 - $C_{ad}$ is an additive 1-category (e.g. finite-dimensional vector spaces);

 - $C_{st}$ is a stable $\infty$-category (e.g. finite spectra or perfect chain complexes);

 - $C_{\neg ad}$ is a semiadditive $\infty$-categorywhich is "anti-additive": its hom-spaces have no nontrivial invertible elements (many Span categories are examples).

Although this is a statement about $\infty$-categories, it specializes to a statement about ordinary 1-categories which is already somewhat surprising. Moreover, the bulk of the proof takes place in the homotopy category and proceeds via string diagram calculations; no knowledge of $\infty$-categories is required.

Time permitting, we will discuss the form of 1-dimensional tangle hypothesis needed to extend this spitting to braded monoidal categories, and given an application to motivic and equivariant homotopy theory.


(Christoph Weis)

Manifold tensor categories are a generalisation of fusion categories. Instead of requiring finitely many simple objects, one requires the simple objects to form a compact manifold. An example of such a category is the categorified (twisted) group ring of a Lie group showing up in the work of Freed-Hopkins-Lurie-Teleman on toral Chern-Simons-Theory (2009).

I will give the definition of Manifold tensor categories, indicate some partial progress on understanding them, and give a few fun examples along the way.

No Notes/Supplements Uploaded


H.264 Video 24914_28252_8226_1-Campion.mp4


H.264 Video 24914_28252_8227_2-Weis.mp4