Home /  Tuesday Online Seminar: Ambidexterity in Chromatic Homotopy


Tuesday Online Seminar: Ambidexterity in Chromatic Homotopy April 14, 2020 (10:00 AM PDT - 11:30 AM PDT)
Parent Program:
Location: SLMath: Online/Virtual
Speaker(s) Tomer Schlank (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Description No Description
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC

Ambidexterity in Chromatic Homotopy


The monochromatic layers of the chromatic filtration on spectra, that is- The K(n)-local (stable 00-)categories Sp_{K(n)} enjoy many remarkable properties. One example is the vanishing of the Tate construction due to  Hovey-Greenlees-Sadofsky.  The vanishing of Tate construction can be considered as a natural equivalence between the colimits and limits in Sp_{K(n)}  parametrized by finite groupoids. Hopkins and Lurie proved a generalization of this result where finite groupoids are replaced by arbitrary \pi-finite  00-groupoids. They named this phenomena "Ambidexitiry" or "higher semi-additivity". 


I shall describe this phenomenon and will attempt to demonstrate that it creates a surprising amount of properties and structure that lies in the heart of chromatic homotopy.  In particular, higher semi-additivity can be used as a tool to study the somewhat less approachable version of "monochromatic layers", namely the T(n)-local categories. 

This is a joint work in progress with Shachar Carmeli and Lior Yanovski

Zoom link.


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Ambidexterity in Chromatic Homotopy

H.264 Video 24956_28306_8280_Ambidexterity_in_Chromatic_Homotopy.mp4