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Online Seminar: Superconformal factorization algebras and (framed) E2 algebras May 20, 2020 (10:00 AM PDT - 11:00 AM PDT)
Parent Program:
Location: SLMath: Online/Virtual
Speaker(s) Brian Williams (University of Edinburgh)
Description No Description
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC

Superconformal Factorization Algebras And (Framed) E2 Algebras


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A result of Lian—Zuckerman deduces the structure of a Gerstenhaber (even BV) algebra on the cohomology of a ``topological vertex algebra” (physicists refer to this as a superconformal structure on a VOA). Recently, Costello—Gwilliam have defined a functor from the category of holomorphic factorization algebras to vertex algebras. In this talk, I formulate the notion of a ``superconformal” factorization algebra and show that it defines a topological vertex algebra under the functor of Costello—Gwilliam. Further, given any superconformal factorization algebra, I show that there exists a deformation to a locally constant (up to homotopy) factorization algebra. This locally constant factorization algebra provides a cochain model for the Gerstenhaber (BV) structure of Lian—Zuckerman. 

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Superconformal Factorization Algebras And (Framed) E2 Algebras

H.264 Video 24993_28345_8357_Superconformal_Factorization_Algebras_and_(Framed)_E2_Algebras_2.mp4