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Fellowship of the Ring, National Seminar: Subadditivity of Syzygies and Related Problems June 04, 2020 (01:30 PM PDT - 03:30 PM PDT)
Parent Program: --
Location: SLMath: Online/Virtual
Speaker(s) Jason McCullough (Iowa State University)
Description No Description
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC

To attend this seminar, you must register in advance, by clicking HERE.

Let S = K[x_1,...,x_n] be a polynomial ring over a field and I a graded S-ideal.  There are many interesting questions about the maximal graded shifts of S/I, denoted t_i.  In the first part of my talk, I will discuss two classical constructions that turn a (graded) S-module into an ideal with similar properties, namely idealizations and Bourbaki ideals, and what they say about maximal graded shifts of ideals.  In the second part of the talk, I will discuss restrictions on maximal graded shifts of ideals.  In particular, an ideal I is said to satisfy the subadditivity condition if t_a + t_b ≥ t_(a+b) for all a,b.  This condition fails for arbitrary, even Cohen-Macaulay, ideals but is open for certain nice classes of ideals, such as Koszul and monomial ideals.  I will present a construction (joint with A. Seceleanu) showing that subadditivity can fail for Gorenstein ideals.  


If time allows, I will talk about some results that hold more generally, including a linear bound on the maximal graded shifts in terms of the first p-c shifts, where p = pd(S/I) and c = codim(I).  I hope to include several examples and open questions as well.

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Subadditivity Of Syzygies And Related Problems

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