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DDC - Computability Theory: The big Ramsey degree of the rationals and the Rado graph and computability theory December 11, 2020 (09:00 AM PST - 10:00 AM PST)
Parent Program:
Location: SLMath: Online/Virtual
Speaker(s) Peter Cholak (University of Notre Dame)

Hilbert’s Tenth Problem was the only decision problem among his twenty-three problems. Precise mathematical theory of (in)computability and its interaction with number theory led to the negative solution of the problem. The seminar will focus on modern topics on computability-theoretic phenomena in number-theoretic and other algebraic and model-theoretic structures.

To participate in this seminar, please register here: https://www.msri.org/seminars/25206


Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC

The Big Ramsey Degree Of The Rationals And The Rado Graph And Computability


To participate in this seminar, please register here: https://www.msri.org/seminars/25206

Abstract: Milliken’s tree theorem is used to prove that the rationals and the Rado graph have big Ramsey degree.  It turns out that there is the complicated dichotomy between coding the halting problem or not based on the size of instance. We will explore what this all means. 

This is joint work with Angles d’Auriac, Dzhafarov, Monin, and Patey. This is a companion talk to an earlier talk by Dzhafarov, which was entitled “Milliken’s tree theorem and computability theory.”  However, it is not assumed that you have heard the earlier talk.

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The Big Ramsey Degree Of The Rationals And The Rado Graph And Computability

H.264 Video 25189_28687_8678_The_Big_Ramsey_Degree_of_the_Rationals_and_the_Rado_Graph_and_Computability_Theory.mp4