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Location: | SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual |
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
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ES Program Research Seminar: Selmer Groups, Galois Structure, And P-Adic Heights
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Let F be a number field with ring of integers O_F, and suppose that E/O_F is an abelian scheme. If p is a prime of ordinary reduction of E, to what extent is an element of Pic^0(E) determined by its restriction to p-power torsion subgroup schemes of E? This question is motivated by problems concerning the Galois structure of certain torsors obtained by dividing rational points on E. I shall discuss an answer that involves a new construction of the p-adic height pairing associated to E. This is joint work in progress with F. Castella and M. Ciperiani.
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