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Bay Area Circle for Teachers (BACT) Winter Workshop 2013 January 26, 2013
Registration Deadline: January 26, 2013 about 12 years ago
To apply for Funding you must register by: October 26, 2012 over 12 years ago
Parent Program: --
Location: TBA
Organizers Sage Moore, BACT Director
The aim of the Circle for Teachers is to equip educators with an effective problem-solving approach to teaching mathematics.  This style of learning is based on the math circle environment that has proven to be successful for students around the world.  The program will immerse a group of interested middle and high school math teachers in engaging mathematics and expose them to a dynamic style of classroom presentation.  Participants will come away with a variety of resources, lesson modules, and a renewed sense of appreciation for the fascinating world of mathematics.  Teacher will also be eligible for contnuing education credit, professional development units or college course credits.  A major theme throughout the program will be creatively answering the question of how to incorporate a problem-solving approach to math education into the existing curriculum.  To this end, leaders will supply participants with handouts or short modules based on the material covered during their sessions.  They will also work with teachers to share ideas for enlivening any math class and to develop lesson plans.  Focused discussions will be held regularly to determine what obstacles exist to incorporating this style of teaching into the present curriculum, what resources would be most helpful to teachers, and other related topics.  For more information, please visit the Bay Area Circle for Teachers Winter Workshop 2013 page at: http://bact.mathcircles.org/winter_2013 Please register on-line here.
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC