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Latinx in the Mathematical Sciences Conference 2018 March 08, 2018 - March 10, 2018
Parent Program: --
Series: Diversity
Location: IPAM
Organizers Federico Ardila (San Francisco State University), Ricardo Cortez (Tulane University), Tatiana Toro (MSRI / Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (SLMath)), Mariel Vazquez (University of California, Davis)
Click HERE for additional information and to register for the conference. On March 8-10, 2018, IPAM will host a conference showcasing the achievements of Latinx in the mathematical sciences. The goal of the conference is to encourage Latinx to pursue careers in the mathematical sciences, to promote the advancement of Latinx currently in the discipline, to showcase research being conducted by Latinx at the forefront of their fields, and, finally, to build a community around shared academic interests. The conference will be held on the UCLA campus in Los Angeles, CA. It will begin at noon on Thursday, March 8. This conference is sponsored by the Mathematical Sciences Institutes Diversity Initiative, with funding from the National Science Foundation Division of Mathematical Sciences. Opportunity to Present Research:  Undergraduates, graduate students, and recent PhDs may request to be part of the poster session, which is scheduled for Thursday afternoon. Applications will be evaluated by the committee. To indicate your interest in a poster presentation, please enter the tentative title and abstract on the application form. Go to the registration/application page for more information. Pre-Conference Activity for Students: On Thursday, March 8, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, several math professors will lead a session for undergraduates and graduate students only. The students will learn how to communicate their research effectively, including both posters and oral presentations. Students presenting research at the Latinx in Mathematics Conference are required to attend this activity, but all students as well as recent PhDs are invited to participate. LOCATION Ackerman Union Grand Ballroom, UCLA Please check-in at the front registration desk for room assignments of concurrent sessions.
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC