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Periodic tangling of filaments

Hot Topics: Shape and Structure of Materials October 01, 2018 - October 05, 2018

October 01, 2018 (11:00 AM PDT - 12:00 PM PDT)
Speaker(s): Myfanwy Evans (TU Berlin)
Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium
  • Tangle

  • Knot

  • Filament

  • Keratin

  • Minimal surface

Primary Mathematics Subject Classification
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification



This talk will give a constructive approach to exploring tangled filaments in a periodic box, where hyperbolic line packings decorate triply-periodic minimal surfaces. A particular arrangement of tangled filaments will be explored in the context of keratin filaments in human skin cells, as well as the broader idea of geometric form as a consequence of the restoring force of a liquid. Finally, I will connect the idea of filament tangling with framework material design.

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