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Homotopy Theoretic and Categorical Models of Neural Information Networks

[Moved Online] Hot Topics: Topological Insights in Neuroscience May 04, 2021 - May 11, 2021

May 06, 2021 (09:00 AM PDT - 09:45 AM PDT)
Speaker(s): Matilde Marcolli (California Institute of Technology)
Location: SLMath: Online/Virtual
  • networks

  • resources

  • categories

  • information

Primary Mathematics Subject Classification
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC

Homotopy Theoretic and Categorical Models of Neural Information Networks


We propose a mathematical formalism for neural information networks endowed with assignments of resources (computational or metabolic or informational), suitable for describing assignments of concurrent or distributed computing architectures and associated binary codes, governed by a categorical form of the Hopfield network dynamics, and measures of informational complexity in the form of a cohomological version of integrated information.

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Homotopy Theoretic and Categorical Models of Neural Information Networks

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