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A variational scheme for Naiver-Stokes Equations

[Moved Online] Connections Workshop: Mathematical problems in fluid dynamics January 20, 2021 - January 22, 2021

January 22, 2021 (09:30 AM PST - 10:30 AM PST)
Speaker(s): Inwon Kim (University of California, Los Angeles)
Location: SLMath: Online/Virtual
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC

A Variational Scheme For Naiver-Stokes Equations


In this talk we consider a minimizing movements type scheme for  the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, combining the Lagrangian and Eulerian viewpoints. Our scheme is an improved version of the split scheme introduced in Ebin-Marsden. An essential ingredient is the H^1 projection problem, which is a viscous analogue of the L^2 projection introduced by Brenier for evolving the incompressible Euler equation.

 We will discuss the scheme and the regularity of solutions it produces.

The talk is based on a joint work with Wilfrid Gangbo and Matt Jacobs.

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A Variational Scheme For Naiver-Stokes Equations

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