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P-Adic L-Functions Pt I

Introductory Workshop: Algebraic Cycles, L-Values, and Euler Systems January 23, 2023 - January 27, 2023

January 26, 2023 (09:30 AM PST - 10:30 AM PST)
Speaker(s): Zheng Liu (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC

P-Adic L-Functions Pt I


I will give an introduction to p-adic L-functions. I will explain the conjecture by Coates and Perrin-Riou on the existence of p-adic L-functions and their definition of the modified Euler factors at p for p-adic interpolations. I will also talk about some approaches for constructing p-adic L-functions with some examples.

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P-Adic L-Functions Pt I

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