Workshop Critical Issues in Mathematics Education 2007: Teaching Teachers Mathematics
Show Schedules
- Jeremy Kilpatrick: How do we do it? Teaching Mathematics to U.S.
- Barbara Lee: Congressional involvement in Math
- Robert Fefferman: Working with Teachers to Improve Mathematics Instruction: Some Experiences and Views
- Hung-Hsi Wu: The mathematics K-12 teachers need to know
- Efraim Armendariz: UTeach at the University of Texas
- Ken Gross: The Vermont Mathematics Initiative
- Margaret (Peggy) Batchelor, Altha Rodin: UTeach at the University of Texas
- Guy Barmoha, Markus Hohenwarter, Richard Voss: MSP Content and Technology Training for Middle Grades Teachers
- Judi Laird: The Vermont Mathematics Initiative
- Virginia Bastable, Sybilla Beckmann, Ben Ford, Susan Jo Russell, Deborah Schifter, Ana Vaisenstein, Carol Walker: Mathematicians Writing for Educators: Collaboration Accross Disciplines
- Kristina Anthony, Reuben Farley: Collaborative Efforts to Prepare K-8 Mathematics Specialist
- Bonnie Saunders: A Mathematics Concentration for Pre-service Elementary School Teachers: An Existence Proof and New Conjectures
- Bonnie Saunders, Philip Wagreich: A Mathematics Concentration for Pre-service Elementary School Teachers: An Existence Proof and New Conjectures
- Susan Birnie: Collaborative Efforts to Prepare K-8 Mathematics Specialist
- Irwin Kra, Jonathan Schweig: MfA: A replicable NYC program
- Amy Cohen-Corwin: Connecting Math Major Content to High School Curriculum
- Hyman Bass: Learning Mathematical Knowledge for Elementary School Teaching at the University of Michigan
- Steven Rosenberg, Glenn Stevens: The Impact of Immersion in Mathematics on Teachers
- Mark Hoover, Laurie Sleep: Learning Mathematical Knowledge for Elementary School Teaching at the University of Michigan
- Wayne Harvey: The Impact of Immersion in Mathematics on Teachers
- Wendy Aaron: Learning Mathematical Knowledge for Elementary School Teaching at the University of Michigan
- Al Cuoco, Ryota Matsuura, Sarah Sword: The Impact of Immersion in Mathematics on Teachers
- Bret Benesh, Thomas Judson, Matthew Leingang: Two non-traditional content courses for in-service high school teachers at the Harvard Extension School
- Dawn Berk: The Mathematical Education of Elementary Teachers at Delaware
- James Hiebert: The Mathematical Education of Elementary Teachers at Delaware
- Ruth Parker: Learning Together: Implementing Inquiry-based Content Courses for K-20 Teachers of Mathematics
- Richard Askey: Using TIMSS videos for professional development
- Raven McCrory: The Mathematical Education of Elementary Teachers: Courses, Textbooks, and Opportunities to Learn
- Judit Moschkovich: What mathematics teachers need to learn about language
- Cynthia Anhalt, Ruth Heaton, Jim Lewis, Matt Ondrus: Mathematics Educator-Mathematician partnerships for educating teachers: Examplesfrom Nebraska and Arizona
- Judith Sowder: Reconceptualizing Mathematics: Curriculum Materials for Elementary and Middle School Teacher
- Hung-Hsi Wu: Professional Development: The Hard Work of Learning Mathematics
- Nanette Seago: Learning and Teaching Linear Functions: Video Cases for Mathematics Professional Development
- Sybilla Beckmann: Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: A Focus on "Explaining Why"
- Virginia Bastable, Susan Jo Russell, Deborah Schifter: Developing Mathematical Ideas: A Program for Teacher Learning
- Guy Barmoha, Markus Hohenwarter: GeoGebra: Open Source Software for Learning and Teaching Mathematics
- Sybilla Beckmann: Mentoring faculty and graduate students interested in teaching teachers
- Ken Gross, James Hiebert, Heather Hill: Studying the effectiveness of our efforts to teach teachers mathematics
- Virginia Bastable, Sybilla Beckmann, Ben Ford, Susan Jo Russell, Deborah Schifter, Ana Vaisenstein, Carol Walker: Mathematicians Writing for Educators: Collaboration Across Disciplines II
- Alexander Givental: Will Mathematics Ever Make Sense?
- Judith Jacobs: Incorporating English Learner Strategies in Mathematics Courses
- Greisy Winicki-Landman: Incorporating English Learner Strategies in Mathematics Courses for Teachers
- Thomas Parker: A focused course for elementary teachers: building teacher knowledge and confidence via Asian textbooks
- Harold Murai: Foundation Mathematics for Teaching at the Elementary and Secondary Levels
- Ann Shannon: Using extended mathematics tasks so as to increase teachers' mathematical knowledge for teaching
- Gary Jensen: Arithmetic for Prospective Teachers: How should we begin the road to PUFM
- Richard Bisk, Michael Winders: Model Drawing: Connecting Arithmetic to Algebra
- Ginger Warfield: What French Didactique can say to American mathematics educators
- Hyman Bass: Final thoughts about teaching teachers mathematics
Workshop Mathematical Issues in Stochastic Approaches for Multiscale Modeling
Show Schedules
- Charles Doering: Stirring up Trouble: Multi-scale Measures of Mixing for Steady Scalar Sources
- Richard McLaughlin: An Overview of Random Phenomena and Passive Scalars
- Mark Alber: Continuous Limit of a Discrete Stochastic Model for Interaction of Living Cells
- Annie Millet: Rate of Convergence of Space Time Approximations for Stochastic Evolution Equations
- Marta Sanz-Solé: Some Problems for Stochastic Waves in Dimension Three
- Anna Amirdjanova: Some Perspectives on Stochastic Heat, Burgers' and Navier-Stokes Equations
- Roberto Camassa: Evolution of Initial Random Fields by Deterministic Flows in Passive Scalar Transport
- Peter Kramer: Coarse-Grained Descriptions of Biomolecular Systems
- Zhi Lin: New Exact Results for PDF Dynamics of the Majda Model of Turbulent Transport
- Peter Kloeden: Synchronization of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
- Grant Lythe: Dynamics and Statistics of Kinks in the \phi^4 SPDE
- Juan Restrepo: The Path Integral for Data Assimilation
- JINQIAO DUAN: Stochastic Homogenization
- Björn Birnir: Turbulence of Uniform Flow
- Andrew Stuart: Computational Complexity of MCMC in High Dimensions
- Navaratnam Namachchivaya: Stability and Bifurcations in Multi-scale RDS
- Kening Lu: Lyapunov Exponents for Random Dynamical Systems in a Banach Space
- Huaizhong Zhao: Pathwise Stationary Solutions of SPDEs and Weak Solutions of BDSDEs
- Hakima Bessaih: Some Results for a Stochastic Shell Model
- Alexandre Chorin: Monte Carlo without Chains with Applications
- Dror Givon: Dimensional reduction for particle filters of systems with time-scale separatoin
Workshop Gulliver Multiscale Bioimaging Workshop
Show Schedules
- Keynote address: Bioenergy and multiscale imaging
- Mapping Molecular Landscapes Inside Cells by Cryoelectron Tomography - part 1
- X-ray tomography of whole, hydrated cells at better than 50 nm resolution
- Diffractive imaging at LCLS, FLASH, and ALS
- Defining accurate macromolecular structures, conformations and assemblies in solution by x-ray solution scattering (SAXS) combined with crystallography and computation
- In-focus phase contrast for electron microscopy of unstained or poorly stained molecular and subcellular structures
- Spatial organization in cell membranes
- Molecular Structure and Properties Elucidation from 3D Electron Microscopy
- Molecular Imaging of Tissue Sections by MALDI Mass Spectrometry
- Keynote address: Cancer - Looking at the Wild Life
- Mapping Molecular Landscapes Inside Cells by Cryoelectron Tomography - part 2
- What multiscale imaging means to me
- In Vitro and In Vivo Single Molecule Imaging
- Multiscale imaging of brain tissue: New insights into glial architecture in health
- Nanocrystal molecules for biological sensing
- Nonlinear Microscopy with Shaped Laser Pulses - Shedding new light on Tissue
- Keynote address: Visualizing Life
Workshop Advances in Algebra and Geometry
Show Schedules
- Gregory Smith: Tonic Varieties and Quivers
- Michael Singer: Differential Dependence and Differential Groups
- Sheldon Katz: Quiver Representations and Geometry of Calabi-Yau Threefolds
- Shigeru Mukai: Hilbert's 14th Problem for the Kronecker Quiver
- Bernd Sturmfels: Elimination Theory for Tropical Varieties
- Mark Green: The Tangent Space to the Space of Algebraic Cycles
- Mircea Mustaţă: Volumes of Graded Linear Series and Convex Bodies
- Juergen Herzog: Stanley Decompositions
- Luchezar Avramov: Finitistic Global Criteria for the Gorenstein Property
- Gennady Lyubeznik: Some Observations on the Absolute Integral Closure of a Local Domain in Mixed Characteristic
- Michael Stillman: High Rank Syzygies on Low-rank Quadrics
- Bernd Ulrich: Numerical Criteria for Integral Dependence
- Melvin Hochster: Tight Closure and Big Cohen-Macaulay Algebras
- Vladimir Arnold: Continued Fractions of Quadratic Irrationals
- Vikram Mehta: Advances in Algebra and Geometry
- Karen Smith: DuBois Singularities
- David Buchsbaum: The Flow of Homology Through Algebra: A Selective Overview
- Jim Simons: Jim Simons (with Dennis Sullivan) Title: Enriching Cohomology With A Ring Of Differential Characters
- Jim Simons: Jim Simons (with Dennis Sullivan) Title: Enriching Cohomology With A Ring Of Differential Characters
- dennis sullivan: Dennis Sullivan (with Jim Simons) Title: Manifolds With Singularities And Differential Cohomology
Workshop Hot Topics: Minimal and Canonical Models in Algebraic Geometry
Show Schedules
- Robert Lazarsfeld: Lifting Theorems
- Alessio Corti: Existence of Flips
- Mircea Mustaţă: Existence of Flips
- János Kollár: Termination of Flips
- Bo Berndtsson: A Survey of the Main Analytical Tools and Their Use in Algebraic Geometry
- Jean-Pierre Demailly: Further Applications of the Main L^2 Existence Theorems
- Philippe Eyssidieux: Analytic Approach of the Finite Generation of the Canonical Ring
- Jean-Pierre Demailly: Extension on Non-Vanishing Theorems to Higher Codimension
- Yum-Tong Siu: Analytic Proof of Finite Generation of Canonical Ring for General Type
- Christopher Hacon: TBA
- Bo Berndtsson: TBA
- Osamu Fujino: TBA
- Masayuki Kawakita: On Minimal Log Discrepencies
- Florin Ambro: TBA
- Ivan Cheltsov: TBA
- Hajime Tsuji: Extension of Log Pluricanonical Systems and Semipositivity of Pluricanonical Systems
- Philippe Eyssidieux: KE-metrics on Minimal Models
- Miles Reid: Problem Session
- Paul Hacking: Noncommutative Deformations of K3 Surfaces
- Shunsuke Takagi: TBA
- Chuanyi Xu: TBA
Workshop MSRI Symposium on Climate Change: From Global Models to Local Action
Show Schedules
- Inez Fung: Issues in Climate Change
- Cecilia Bitz: Sea Ice Cover in a Changing Climate
- Lisa Goldberg: Forecasting the Risk of Extreme Events
- Lenny Smith: Seeing through Climate Models
- Sydney Brenner: All Those Genomes
- Claudia Tebaldi: Future Climate Projections from Multi-Model Ensembles: Motivations, Challenges, Approaches and Ways Forward
- Jeff Anderson: Using Observations to Estimate Climate Model Parameters
- Phillip Colella: Algorithms for the Study of Climate Change
- Katherine Yelick: Architectural Trends and Programming Model Strategies for Large-Scale Machines
- Jim McWilliams: Irreducible Imprecision in Atmospheric and Oceanic Simulations
- David Neelin: Precipitation Change and the Chaallenges of Modeling
- Cecile Penland: When We Can't Keep Track of Everything: On Diffusion Processes and Levy Flights in Climate Modeling
- Bill Collins: Where do we go from here?
Workshop An Introduction to Multiscale Methods
Show Schedules
- Andrew Stuart: Averaging and Homogenization for Linear Systems
- Greg Pavliotis: Homogenization for Elliptic PDEs
- Andrew Stuart: Introduction to SDEs
- Greg Pavliotis: Homogenization for Parabolic PDEs
- Andrew Stuart: Averaging for SDEs
- Greg Pavliotis: Averaging for Transport Equations
- Thomas Hou: Fluid Mechanics
- Andrew Stuart: Homogenization for SDEs
- Greg Pavliotis: Properties of Effective Coefficients
- Björn Birnir: Homogenization and Control of Jet Engine Flow
- Andrew Stuart: Validity of SDE Approximations
- Greg Pavliotis: Validity of PDE Approximations
- Alexandre Chorin: Optimal Prediction
- Eric Vanden-Eijnden: Multiscale Integrators
Workshop Stochastic Dynamical Systems and Control
Show Schedules
- Jonathan Mattingly: Smooth Densities for Degenerate SPDEs:Malliavin Calculas and Controllability
- Martin Hairer: The Noisy Burgers Equation: Intermittency and Stability
- Kayo Ide: Langrangian DAta Assimilation: Method, Applications and Strategies
- Richard Sowers: A Propagation-of -Chaos Type Result in Stochastic Averaging
- Mark Friedlin: Metastability and Stochastic Resonance in Multiscale Systems
- Rachel Kuske: Transients+Instabilities+Noise=Structure?
- Alejandro Aceves: Nonlinearity and Disorder in Optical Fiber Arrays
- Fern Hunt: A Sample Path Optimality Result for a Clas of Marcov Decision Processes
- Yuri Bakhtin: Diffusion about Unstable Equilirium Points and Noisy Heteroclinic Networks
- Paulo Ruffino: Poisson Spaces for Proper Semigroups of Semi-simple Lie Groups
- Anthony Bloch: Aspects of Quantum Control
- Jorge Cortes: Models, Algorithms, and Tools for Distributed Motion Coordination
- William Massey: Dynamic Pricing to Control Loss Systems with Quality of Service
- Konstantin Khanin: Stochastic Optimal Control and Random Burgers Equation
- Fritz Colonius: Near Invariance Under Random Perturbations
- Gelonia Dent: Simulation Studies for Protein Structure Prediction
- Leonid Koralov: Motion in a Random Force Field
- Vladimir Vinogradov: On Approximating by Discontinuous Superprocesses
- Jin Feng: Hamilton-JAcobi Equations in Teh Space Measures and Large Deviations
- Ian Melbourne: Invariance Principles and Large Deviations for Nonuniformly Hyperbolic Systems
- Terry Lyons: On Signed Probability Measures and Some Old Work of Krylov
- Rudy Horne: Random Dispersion and Four-Wave Mixing in an Optical Fiber
- Peter Baxendale: Random Source and Sinks for Stochastic Dynamical Systems
- Igor Mezic: Controllability, INtegrability and Ergodicity
Workshop Recent Developments in Numerical Methods and Algorithms for Geometric Evolution Equations
Show Schedules
- Charles Elliott: Finite element methods for evolutionary surface PDEs
- David Chopp: Assorted Applications of Curvature Dependent Motion
- Gerhard Dziuk: Numerical Methods for Willmore flow
- Qiang Du: Phase Field Calculus of Surface Variation: Some Examples
- Ricardo Nochetto: Discrete Gradient Flows for Shape Optimization and Applications
- Adam Oberman: Finite Difference schemes for Geometric Nonlinear Elliptic PDEs
Workshop Geometric Evolution Equations
Show Schedules
- Burkhard Wilking: Manifolds with Positive Curvature Operators are Space Forms.
- Natasa Sesum: TBA
- Felix Schulze: Nonlinear Evolution By Mean Curvature and Isoperimetric Inequalities
- Klaus Ecker: TBA
- Rafe Mazzeo: CMC Folliations and Area-Minimizing Submanifolds in Asymptotically Hyperbolic Spaces
- Yuan-Long Xin: Convexity, Rigidity and Mean Curvature Flow
- Dan Knopf: TBA
- Qi Zhang: A Li-Yau Type INequality for the Conjugate Heat Equation Under Ricci Flow
- Todd Oliynyk: TBA
- Jiayu Li: TBA
- Xiu-Xiong Chen: TBA
- Reto Mueller: Differential Harnack Inequalities and Monotone Quantities
- Jan Metzger: TBA
- Andre Neves: Convergence of Inverse Mean Curvature Flow in Asymptotically Hyperbolic Manifolds
Workshop Interactive Parallel Computation in Support of Research in Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory
Show Schedules
- Clement Pernet: Parallelism perspectives for the LinBox library
- Brian Granger: Interactive Parallel Computing using Python and IPython
- Jean-Louis Roch: Processor oblivious parallel algorithms with provable performances: applications
- Henry Cohn: Parallel Computation Tools for Research: A Wishlist (part 0)
- Katherine Yelick: Programming Models for Parallel Computing
- Yozo Hida: Moving Lapack and ScaLapack to Higher Precision without Too Much Work
- Alfred Noel: Structure and Representations of Real Reductive Lie Groups: A Computational Approach
- Anton Leykin: Parallel computation of Grobner bases in the Weyl algebra
- Jason Martin: MPMPLAPACK: The Massively Parallel Multi-Precision Linear Algebra Package
- William Hart: Parallel Computation in Number Theory
- Yi Qiang: Distributed Computing using SAGE
- Robert Bradshaw: Loosely Dependent Parallel Processes
- Ilias Kotsireas: Combinatorial Designs: constructions, algorithms and new results
- Jan Verschelde: Parallel Homotopy Algorithms to Solve Polynomial Systems
- Marc Moreno-Maza: Component-level Parallelization of Triangular Decompositions
- David Bailey: Experimental Mathematics and High-Performance Computing
- Winfried Neun, Thomas Wolf: Parallel sparsening and simplification of systems of equations
- Winfried Neun, Thomas Wolf: Parallel sparsening and simplification of systems of equations
- Alan Edelman: Interactive Parallel Supercomputing: Today: MATLAB(r) and Python coming Cutting Edge: Symbolic Parallelism with Mathematica(r) and MAPLE(r)
- Gene Cooperman: Disk-Based Parallel Computing: A New Paradigm
- Robert Harrison: Science at the petascale: tools in the tool box
Workshop Introductory Workshop on Dynamical Systems with Emphasis on Extended Systems
Show Schedules
- Steve Smale: Dynamics of Emergence and Flocking.
- Martin Golubitsky: Bifurcations in Coupled Systems
- vadim kaloshin: Oscillatory Motions. Arnold Diffusion, and Nonlocal Instabilities for the Planer 3 Body Problem
- John Mather: Aspects of Arnold Diffusion
- Mark Levi: Simple Examples of Arnold Diffusion
- Yakov Pesin: Genericity of Chaotic Dynamics
- Leonid Bunimovich: Dynamical Networks
- Lai-Sang Young: Rank One Attractors and Weak Chaos
- Nikolai Chernov: Chaotic billiards
- Dmitry Dolgopyat: Recurrence Properties of Finite Horizon Galton Board
- Arkady Pikovsky: Autonomous Coupled Oscillators with Hyperbolic Strange Attractors
- Lawrence Evans: PDE Methods for Weak KAM Theory
- Konstantin Mischaikow: Computational Dynamics and Homology
- Arjen Doelman: Dynamics of Reaction-Diffusion Patterns
- Bjorn Sandstede: Dynamics of Nonlinear Waves
- Edriss Titi: Dynamical Systems Approach to Turbulence
- George Zaslavsky: Pseudochaos
- Brian Hunt: Efficient Data Assimilation for Spatially Extended Systems
- Christopher Jones: Do Invariant Manifolds Hold Water
- Jerrold Marsden: Lagrangian Coherent Structures
- James Meiss: Dynamics of 3D Volume-Preserving Maps
- David Terman: Reducing Neuronal Systems to Discrete Dynamics
- Kevin Lin: Reliable and Unreliable Behavior in Coupled Oscillator Networks
- Nancy Kopell: Rhythmic Dynamics of the Nervous System
- Alla Borisyuk: The dynamic range of bursting in a network of respiratory pacemaker cells
- Philip Holmes: A Central Pattern Generator for Insect Locomotion: Phase Response Curves, Averaging and Reduction Ionic Current Models of Bursting Neurons
Workshop Connections for Women: Dynamical Systems
Show Schedules
- Gerda de Vries: Modelling the Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Nuclear Proteins
- Kathleen Hoffman: Stability Results for Elastic Rods with Electrostatic Self-Repulsion.
- Alice Jukes: Symmetric Homoclinic Bifurcation.
- Aimee Johnson: The Relative Growth of Information in Two-Dimensional Partitions.
- Jenny Harrison: ChainletTheory and Dynamics.
- Ana Dias: Couples Cell Networks: ODE-Equivalence, Minimality and Quotients.
- Mary Silber: Controlling Pattern Formation.
- Claire Postlethwaite: Controlling Travelling Waves of the Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation with Spatial Feedback.
- Anna Ghazaryan: Traveling Waves in Porous Media Combustion: Uniqueness of Waves fro Small Thernal Diffusivity.
- Mary Lou Zeeman: Mathematical modeling of the menstrual cycle
- Rachel Kuske: Multi-Scle Dynamics and Noise Sensitivity.
- Ami Radunskaya: Stochastic Perturbations of Growth Models.
- Lea Popovic: Degenerate Diffusion Limits in Gene Duplication.
- Hans Kaper: What Goes Into a Good Proposal, Where Do I Send It, and What Happens to It?