Workshop Model Theory in Geometry and Arithmetic
Show Schedules
- Antoine Chambert-Loir: Hrushovski-Kazhdan's motivic Poisson formula and motivic height zeta functions
- Deirdre Haskell: Towards a theory of residue field domination for convexly valued ordered fields
- Zoé Chatzidakis: An application of difference fields to algebraic dynamics.
- Silvain Rideau: Transferring imaginaries: from ACVF to Qp (joint work with E. Hrushovski and B. Martin)
- François Loeser: Non-archimedean Yomdin-Gromov parametrizations and points of bounded height
- Julia Gordon: Applications of motivic integration to harmonic analysis
- Harald Helfgott: Growth in groups: ideas and perspectives
- Anand Pillay: Definable topological dynamics
- Jacob Tsimerman: An Ax-Schanuel theorem for the modular curve and the j-function
- Alex Wilkie: Uniform bounds for derivatives of definable functions with a diophantine application
- Rahim Moosa: An application of the model theory of differential fields to Poisson algebras
- Boris Zilber: On the semantics of non-commutative geometry and exotic summation formulas.
- Jochen Koenigsmann: To $p$ or not to $p$: Galois' first glimpse of Hensel on wild grounds
- Kirsten Eisentraeger: Generalizations of Hilbert's Tenth Problem
- Pierre Simon: Definably amenable NIP groups
- Damian Rössler: On the group of purely inseparable points of an abelian variety defined over a function field of positive characteristic
Seminar Special day in differential and difference algebra
Show Schedules
Workshop Reimagining the Foundations of Algebraic Topology
Show Schedules
- David Ben-Zvi: Algebraic geometry of topological field theories
- David Ayala: Poincaré/Koszul duality
- John Francis: Poincare'/Koszul duality and formal moduli
- Emily Riehl: The formal theory of adjunctions, monads, algebras, and descent
- Hugo Bacard: co-Segal algebras and Deligne’s conjecture
- Andre Joyal: What is an elementary higher topos?
- Angelica Osorno: Modeling stable 2-types
- Thomas Nikolaus: Aspects of differential cohomology
- Christopher Schommer-Pries: The unicity of the homotopy theory of higher categories.
- Clark Barwick: Redshift and higher categories
- Michael Hill: Derived Equivariant Algebraic Geometry
- Vesna Stojanoska: Duality, algebro-homotopically
- Charles Rezk: Calculations in multiplicative stable homotopy theory at height 2
- Michael Mandell: En Genera
- Goncalo Tabuada: Motives versus noncommutative motives
- David Gepner: Thom spectra and twisted umkehr maps
- Andre Henriques: A K(Z,4) in nature
Workshop Critical Issues in Mathematics Education 2014: The role of the mathematics department in the mathematical preparation of teachers
Show Schedules
- David Eisenbud, Jim Lewis: Plenary Session: Welcome and Workshop Overview
- Howard Gobstein: Plenary Session: Keynote Address - The Signal and the Noise and Changing Teacher Preparations
- Deborah Ball, Herbert Clemens, Hung-Hsi Wu: Plenary Session: A conversation about the mathematical preparaton of teachers and the challenges universities face
- Deborah Ball, Linda Gojak, Diana Suddreth: Plenary Session: Panel - Understanding mathematics teacher education
- William McCallum: Plenary Session: What faculty in mathematics should know about the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics
- Stefanie Hassan, Allison Krasnow, Andrea LaGala Lamb, Breedeen Murray: Plenary Session: Listening to our graduates - Panel of math teachers at various levels
- Solomon Friedberg, Brigitte Lahme, Steven Rosenberg, Peter Trapa: Plenary Session: Panel of mathematics department chairs
- Sybilla Beckmann, William McCallum: Mathematical Education of Teachers: Recommendations of the Mathematical Education of Teachers II
- Anna Bargagliotti: Mathematical Education of Teachers: SET - Statistics Education for Teachers
- W Gary Martin: Mathematical Education of Teachers: APLU’s Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership
- Cynthia Anhalt, Hyman Bass, Elizabeth Burroughs, Ole Hald, Brigitte Lahme, Jim Lewis, Michael Marder, W Gary Martin, Michael Mays, Cody Patterson, Patrick Thompson: Parallel Sessions – Math courses for teachers and examples of math teacher education programs with strong involvement from the institution’s department of mathematics
- Joan Ferrini-Mundy: Plenary Session: National perspectives on mathematical teacher education and preparation
- Lillie Albert, Fabio Milner: Plenary Session: Attending to diversity and equity in the recruitment and preparation of K-12 teachers of mathematics
- Emina Alibegovic, Gretchen Andreasen, Scott Baldridge, Nandini Bhattacharya, Margarita Cummings, Davida Fischman, Eric Hsu, Judith Kysh, Debra Lewis, James Madden, William McCallum, Robert Perlis, Hugo Rossi: Parallel Sessions: Examples of math departments’ engagement in the Mathematical Preparation of Teachers
- Yvonne Lai, Dev Sinha, Sunita Vatuk, James Álvarez: Plenary Session: Mathematicians engaged in mathematics education
- Matthias Beck, Gail Burrill, Thomas Clark, Brian Conrey, Brianna Donaldson, John Ewing, Jim Lewis, Tom Marley, Wendy Smith, Glenn Stevens, Diana White, Hung-Hsi Wu, Darryl Yong: Parallel Sessions: Professional Development Opportunities for Mathematics Teachers
- Deborah Ball, Jim Lewis: Plenary Session (closing session): Reflections on ideas discussed at the workshop
Workshop Hot Topics: Perfectoid Spaces and their Applications
Show Schedules
- Peter Scholze: Overview
- Bhargav Bhatt: Almost ring theory 1
- Eugen Hellman: Adic Spaces 1
- Bhargav Bhatt: Almost ring theory 2: Perfectoid rings
- Question and Discussion Session
- Peter Scholze: Adic Spaces 2: Perfectoid rings
- Jean-Marc Fontaine: Introduction to p-adic comparison theorems
- Peter Scholze: Adic spaces 3
- Ana Caraiani: The weight-monodromy conjecture
- Jared Weinstein: Lubin-Tate spaces 1
- Laurent Fargues: The Fargues-Fontaine curve
- Johan de Jong: The Pro-etale site
- Kiran Kedlaya: Relative p-adic Hodge theory
- Wieslawa Niziol: p-adic Hodge theroy for rigid spaces 1
- Jared Weinstein: Lubin-Tate spaces 2
- Matthew Emerton: Shimura varieties and perectoid spaces 1: completed cohomology
- Peter Scholze: Future directions 1: formal Q_p vector spaces of slope >1
- Question and Discussion Session
- Wieslawa Niziol: p-adic Hodge theory for rigid spaces 2
- Mark Kisin: Shimura varieties and perfectoid spaces 2
- Mark Kisin: Shimura varieties and perfectoid spaces 3
- Peter Scholze: Future directions 2: the local Langlands and equivariant sheaves on projective space
- Question and Discussion Session
Workshop Connections for Women: Model Theory and Its Interactions with Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry
Show Schedules
- Rachel Pries: Galois covers in positive characteristic
- Kirsten Eisentraeger: Hilbert's Tenth Problem and Mazur's conjectures in large subrings of number fields
- Jennifer Park: A universal first-order formula for the ring of integers inside a number field
- Maria Carrizosa: Lehmer problem and applications
- Margaret Thomas: Counting algebraic points on definable sets
- Zoé Chatzidakis: Around the Canonical Base Property
- Holly Krieger: The geometry of algebraic dynamical systems
- Mei-Chu Chang: Multiplicative orders on varieties
Workshop Introductory Workshop: Model Theory, Arithmetic Geometry and Number Theory
Show Schedules
- Antoine Chambert-Loir: Specialities for non-specialists
- Pierre Simon: An Introduction to Stability-Theoretic Techniques
- Deirdre Haskell: A model-theorist's view of algebraically closed valued fields
- Antoine Chambert-Loir: Specialities for non-specialists
- Pierre Simon: An Introduction to Stability-Theoretic Techniques
- Ekaterina Amerik: Some applications of Hrushovski's theorem about the Frobenius map to algebraic dynamics
- Martin Hils: A Model Theoretic Approach to Berkovich Spaces
- Lou van den Dries: Model theory and multiplicative combinatorics
- Antoine Chambert-Loir: Specialities for non-specialists
- Pierre Simon: An Introduction to Stability-Theoretic Techniques
- Margaret Thomas: The Pila-Wilkie Theorem and variations
- Martin Hils: A Model Theoretic Approach to Berkovich Spaces
- Anand Pillay: Stability theory and Diophantine geometry
- Ya'acov Peterzil: O-Minimal Ingredients in Proofs of Arithmetical Conjectures Such as Manin-Mumford and Andre-Oort
- Lou van den Dries: Model theory and multiplicative combinatorics
- Terence Tao: A regularity lemma for definable sets over finite fields, and expanding polynomials
- Martin Hils: A Model Theoretic Approach to Berkovich Spaces
- Anand Pillay: Stability theory and Diophantine geometry
- Ya'acov Peterzil: O-Minimal Ingredients in Proofs of Arithmetical Conjectures Such as Manin-Mumford and Andre-Oort
- Alice Medvedev: Algebraic Dynamics and the Model Theory of Difference Fields
- Lou van den Dries: Model theory and multiplicative combinatorics
Workshop Introductory Workshop: Algebraic Topology
Show Schedules
- William Dwyer: Introduction to operads
- Michael Ching: Goodwillie's calculus of functors
- Brooke Shipley: Morita theory in stable homotopy
- John Rognes: Chromatic redshift
- Andrew Blumberg: Higher categories and algebraic K-theory
- Christopher Douglas: Towards explicit models for higher K-theories
- Julie Bergner: Models for homotopical higher categories
- Mark Behrens: Computations in the stable homotopy groups of spheres
- Daniel Isaksen: Computations in motivic homotopy theory
- Craig Westerland: Views on the J-homomorphism
- Bob Oliver: Local structure of groups and of their classifying spaces
- Michael Hopkins: Equivariant homotopy and localization
- Nitya Kitchloo: Homotopy theory of Kac-Moody groups
- Tyler Lawson: Topological automorphic forms
- Thomas Church: Representation stability and applications to homological stability
- Oscar Randal-Williams: Stability of moduli spaces of manifolds
- Soren Galatius: Stable homology of moduli spaces of manifolds
- Constantin Teleman: Loop Groups, TQFTs and algebraic geometry
Workshop Connections for Women: Algebraic Topology
Show Schedules
- Kathryn Hess: Operads in algebraic topology
- Kirsten Wickelgren: Homotopy theory and arithmetic geometry
- Emily Riehl: Limits of quasi-categories with (co)limits
- Anna Marie Bohmann, Angelica Osorno: A new equivariant infinite loop space machine
- Nathalie Wahl: Homological stability for families of groups
- Kathryn Hess: Operads in algebraic topology
- Simona Settepanella: Braid groups in complex spaces and grassmannians
- Marcy Robertson: Schematic homotopy types of operads
- Cristina Costoya: Realizability of G-modules: on a dual of a Steenrod problem
- Kirsten Wickelgren: Homotopy theory and arithmetic geometry
- Nathalie Wahl: Homological stability for families of groups
- Safia Chettih, John Harper, Mona Merling, Carmen Rovi, Jean Verrette: Participant Talks (10 minutes each)