Home /  Mini-Course: The Quest for Fredholm Determinants


Mini-Course: The Quest for Fredholm Determinants October 26, 2021 (02:00 PM PDT - 03:00 PM PDT)
Parent Program:
Location: SLMath: Eisenbud Auditorium, Online/Virtual
Speaker(s) Harini Desiraju (International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA/ISAS))
Description No Description
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC

Mini-Course: The Quest For Fredholm Determinants


To participate in this seminar, please register HERE.

In this course I will present two techniques to construct Fredholm determinants starting from an integrable system. One of these techniques will be based on the Riemann-Hilbert method and the other only requires the knowledge of the associated linear system. My choice of examples will be Painlev\'e equations, although the techniques are applicable to a wide variety of problems.

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Mini-Course: The Quest For Fredholm Determinants