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Graduate Students Seminar: Random Redistricting Maps via Random Spanning Trees November 14, 2023 (02:00 PM PST - 03:00 PM PST)
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Location: SLMath: Online/Virtual, Baker Board Room
Speaker(s) Jamie Tucker-Foltz (Harvard University)
Description No Description
Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
Primary Mathematics Subject Classification No Primary AMS MSC
Secondary Mathematics Subject Classification No Secondary AMS MSC
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In the United States, a now widely-accepted legal framework for judging the fairness of a political redistricting map is to compare it to an ensemble of randomly generated alternatives. But what should we mean by a "random" map, and how can we efficiently generate one? There are a family of algorithms for this task all based on the following idea: draw a uniformly random spanning tree on the graph of indivisible geographic units (e.g., precincts or census blocks), find edge(s) that split the tree into sub-trees of roughly equal size, and then take the graph partition induced by the sub-trees to be your redistricting map. These algorithms are very efficient in practice and have been successfully used in several high-profile court cases. However, numerous graph-theoretic and combinatorial questions about these algorithms remain open, which are of both theoretical and practical interest. In this talk I will discuss recent progress on some of these fronts, including:

 - An approximate relationship between the "compactness" of a map and the probability of the map being sampled

 - A 1/poly(n) lower bound on the probability that a random spanning tree of a grid graph can be split into exactly equal-sized pieces

 - Obstructions to MCMC algorithms on grid graphs with many small districts, which can be thought of as a polyomino tiling problem

No prior knowledge of redistricting will be assumed; I will explain the setting and algorithms from scratch.

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