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Three Bay Area students come home with medals

  1. August 17, 2010
  2. By Leah Garchik, Columnist
  4. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/08/17/DDVR1ET5JO.DTL

The Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley sent eight girls to Shijiazhuang, China, to represent the United States in last week's 2010 China Girls Mathematical Olympiad. Seven came home with medals; the eighth with an honorable mention. Of the students from the Bay Area: Shiyu Li from Sunnyvale (starting UC Berkeley in the fall) won gold; Lynnelle Ye (starting Stanford this fall) won gold; and Cynthia Day, a junior at Lynbrook High School in San Jose, won silver. One of the two MSRI-sponsored teams came in second place (among 48 teams from 10 countries) in the overall standings, behind a team from China.