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Geometric Scattering Theory and Elliptic Theory on Noncompact and Singular Spaces May 07, 2001 - May 11, 2001

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May 07, 2001
09:30 AM - 11:00 AM
  Spectral properties of finite-volume negatively-curved manifolds
John Lott (University of California, Berkeley)
11:00 AM - 02:00 PM
  Propagation and diffraction at conic singularities
Jared Wunsch (Northwestern University)
02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
  An index theorem for manifolds with generalized fibred cusps
Boris Vaillant
May 08, 2001
09:30 AM - 11:00 AM
  Einstein metrics with prescribed conformal infinity on 4-manifolds
Michael Anderson (State University of New York, Stony Brook)
11:00 AM - 02:15 PM
  Conformal geometry, Einstein metrics and scattering
C. Graham
02:15 PM - 03:15 PM
  On LeBrun's positive frequency conjecture
Olivier Biquard (École Normale Supérieure)
May 09, 2001
09:30 AM - 11:00 AM
  The Xi function and Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator
Gilles Carron (Université de Nantes)
11:00 AM - 02:15 PM
  L2 cohomology of a convex cocompact hyperbolic manifold and the Hausdorff dimension of its limit set
Xiaodong Wang
02:15 PM - 03:15 PM
  Discreteness of spectrum and strict positivity for magnetic Schrödinger operators
Michael Shubin
May 10, 2001
09:30 AM - 11:00 AM
  Index and degeneration for the Heisenberg calculus
Richard Melrose (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
11:00 AM - 02:15 PM
  The Cauchy-Riemann equations in balls of varying dimensions
Laszlo Lempert
02:15 PM - 04:00 PM
  Scattering theory for symbolic potentials of order zero
Andras Vasy (Stanford University)
04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
  Local index formulae for pseudo-Hermitian manifolds through non-commutative geometry
Raphael Ponge
May 11, 2001
09:30 AM - 11:00 AM
  Cyclic homology and singular varieties
Jean-Paul Brasselet
11:00 AM - 02:15 PM
  Some remarks on the Stokes Theorem and Hodge Theory on singular varieties
Daniel Grieser (Universität Oldenburg)
02:15 PM - 04:15 PM
  Determinants of Laplacians and compactness of isopolar sets for Riemann surfaces of infinite area
Peter Perry
04:15 PM - 05:15 PM
  Symbol calculus and local formula for index of a Fourier integral operator
Ryszard Nest